新关注 > 信息聚合 > 张全收:加强农民工培训 先培训再上岗

张全收:加强农民工培训 先培训再上岗

Zhang Quan closed: strengthen the training of migrant workers First training again mount guard

2016-03-16 09:16:32来源: 中工网

原标题:张全收:加强农民工培训 先培训再上岗 张全收 全国人大代表,河南上蔡县朱里镇拐子杨村党支书 深圳全顺人力资源开发有限公司董事长 3月4日 晴 我从农村走出来,今年关注的话题依然和农民相关。 关于农民工培训。国家一直以来很重视农民工技能培训,但在落实层面,很多农民...

The original title: Zhang Quan: strengthen the training of migrant workers First training again mount guard Zhang Quan deputy to the National People's Congress, shangcai county, henan ZhuLi Town guaizi Yang Village party branch secretary Shenzhen transit on March 4, human resources development co., LTD., chairman of the fine I walked out of the countryside and topics of this year still is related to the farmers. About the training of migrant workers. Countries have been attaches great importance to migrant workers skills training, but in the implementation level, many farmers...