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A 31 trillion - bit! Google PI calculation new record Japanese staff

2019-03-15 09:40:48来源: IT之家

北京时间3月15日早间消息,美国《财富》杂志网站报道称,近期,谷歌的日本员工Emma Haruka Iwao创造了新的圆周率世界纪录,将圆周率计算到31万亿位,超过此前的22万亿位。Haruka Iwao使用了谷歌云计算服务来协助进行计算。25台虚拟机计算了121天,才取得了这个结果。计算用到了170TB的数据量。这相当于8.5万小时的电影,或者超过1050亿张照片。而完全念出这个数字需要332064年的时间。《财富》指出,许多人都知道,3.14是圆周率的开始。就在34年前,人类只能计算到圆周率的100万位。随着计算机越来越强大,以及全世界对于圆周率计算的执着,这个数据精度已经大幅提升。

On March 15, Beijing time morning news, the United States "fortune" magazine web site reported that recently, Google's Japanese employees Emma Haruka Iwao created a new world record, PI PI calculation to 31 trillion, 22 trillion more than the previous. Haruka Iwao used Google cloud computing services to assist to calculate. 25 virtual machine are calculated by 121 days, only the results have been achieved. Calculating amount to 170 terabytes of data. This is equivalent to 85000 hours of film, or more than 105 billion photos. And fully read out the Numbers need to be 332064 years. "Fortune", points out that many of you know, 3.14 is the beginning of the PI. In 34 years ago, human beings can only calculate the PI 1 million. Along with the computer more and more powerful, and around the world for persistent PI calculation, the data accuracy has been improved.

标签: 谷歌