新关注 > 信息聚合 > Youtube发布专版App解决印度网络太慢问题,可线下传片


India network too slow released Youtube page App to solve the problem, you can offline

2017-04-05 14:54:27来源: TECH2IPO创见

根据知名 CDN 公司 Akamai 的报告显示,印度只有 30% 的网民网速超过 4Mbps,可以说是非常慢,看高清视频都需要缓存。为了解决网速太慢带来的视频卡顿问题,视频网站 Youtube 专门开发了一款名为 Youtube Go 的 App,专供印度用户使用,此后还将逐步向其他发展中国家发布。据了解,Youtube Go 的主要目的就是让在网速慢、网络质量差的地区也能享受较好的视频观看体验。例如,Youtube Go 里加入了离线缓存功能,还可以网络环境来确定下载视频的清晰程度。里面最重要的一个功能是 Wifi 传片功能,打开 Android 手机的 Wifi 热点,让其他好友加入网络...

India, according to a report of the leading companies's CDN speed more than 4 MBPS, only 30% of the netizens can saying is very slow, see high-definition video all need to cache. In order to solve the network speed is too slow to bring the video card problem, video site Youtube specifically developed an App, called Youtube is Go for India users, then will be gradually released to other developing countries. It is understood that Youtube Go main purpose is to make the network speed is slow, poor quality of the network regions can also enjoy a good video viewing experience. Joined in Youtube, for example, Go offline caching function, also can download it to determine the network environment the clear degree of video. In one of the most important function is Wifi transfer function, open the Android Wifi hotspot, let other friends to join the network...

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