新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《古剑奇谭》手游11.20全平台不删档内测 代言人..

《古剑奇谭》手游11.20全平台不删档内测 代言人..

"Gu Jian" Mobile Games 11.20 platform beta does not delete files to play the game for five years

2015-11-12 11:00:19来源: 多玩游戏


affection to the wind, a dream to the mountain to chat. Do you still remember the wind Qingxue eyes, Yin thousand cheers tipsy lakes chic, and Ouyang Shaogong to the fate of revenge rage? Now, from the exclusive network authorization, Santar blue frog interactive development, Dragon Figure game publisher's first "Gujian" licensed Mobile Games "Gujian one of forget early heart" will once again ignite the fire of memory! November 20th, the game will open the whole platform does not delete files...

标签: 手游