新关注 > 信息聚合 > 美国17家零售商联手谷歌快递推“次日达”


17 retailers in the United States jointly Google express push morrow is amounted to "

2015-09-11 14:29:30来源: 亿邦动力网

9月11日消息,日前,包括PetSmart、Costco、Kohl’s、Walgreens、Ace Hardware、Staples、Toys‘R’Us、Treasure Island Foods等在内的17家美国零售商联手谷歌快递,为中西部地区线上购物的消费者提供“次日达”送货服务。据亿邦动力网了解,谷歌快递始于2013年,致力于让消费者参与到当地零售产业链中,消费者可通过谷歌快递网点购得产品,由谷歌快递提供送货上门服务。消费者每年向谷歌快递支付98美元或者每月10美元之后,即可享受3个月的会员免费服务,也可通过每单支付4.99美元享受配送服务,而谷歌快递新会员将可免费享受当日达及次日达送货...

9 month 11. Recently, including Petsmart, Costco, Kohl 's, Walgreens, Ace Hardware, staples, toys' R' us, treasure island foods, including 17 U.S. retailers joined Google express, the Midwest online shopping consumers provide" next day delivery service. It is understood billion state power network, the Google express began in 2013 and is committed to allow consumers to participate in the local retail industry chain, consumers can through the Google express outlets purchased products, by Google Express provide door-to-door service. Consumers annually to the Google express to pay $98 or $10 a month, you can enjoy 3 months of free membership services, through each pay $4.99 enjoy service delivery can also be, and Google courier new members will enjoy free day and next day delivery...

标签: 谷歌