新关注 > 信息聚合 > 双十一沦为陪跑的中小商家还有得玩吗?怎么玩?


A double tenth to accompany to run small and medium-sized businesses and have to play? How to play?

2016-11-09 23:20:00来源: 投资界

许多商户指责阿里过河拆桥,可阿里对大品牌的扶持目的很清晰,中小商家越来越难以生存,即使它们心甘情愿的接受巨头剥削,也难以改变传统电商马太效应自己被逐渐淘汰的命运 。

Many merchants blame ali kick down the ladder, but ali for the support of big brand purpose is very clear, small and medium-sized businesses become more and more difficult to survive, even if they are willing to accept giant exploitation, also hard to change traditional electricity the fate of the Matthew effect he had been phased out.