新关注 > 信息聚合 > 官配还是绯闻?LOL里七夕节最恩爱的九对情侣


Official distribution or scandal? Lol Tanabata Festival the most loving nine of the couple

2015-08-20 16:57:05来源: 东北网

七夕到了,让我们来看看LOL中的那些情侣们,来感受一下他们的情感观念吧。 先来看看几对官配吧! 卡特&盖伦 卡特是一个异常冷漠的女子,但她也是一位彪悍的女英雄。在战斗中拥有者不俗的爆发与收割的能力。 战斗力至少上百;而盖伦却经常会被称为草丛轮,常干一些偷鸡摸狗的勾当,藏于草...

Tanabata to the, let us look at lol those couples, to feel that their concept of emotion. Come and see some of the officers with it! Carter & Carter is a Galen indifferent woman, but she is also a tough heroine. The ability to have a good harvest and harvest in the battle. Fighting at least 100; and Galen is often called the grass round, often do some activities in the grass do things stealthily...

标签: LOL