新关注 > 信息聚合 > LOL季前赛Bug太多:国服赶紧试试!


LOL season ago Bug too much: national service to try!

2015-11-18 09:07:26来源: 东北网

LOL版本每一次的大的改动总是会引起系统很多Bug,有时候这些问题严重到会影响游戏的平衡。关于LOL中的位移类Bug,我们就不提了,这是一个老大难的问题,一直都没有得到解决。例如皇子的大招框不住人,别人直接走出来,锤石被维克兹击飞上天,技能偶尔会错位等等。 不知道还有没有人记得界面刚...

LOL version every time the change will always cause the system bugs, sometimes these problems serious attended the balance of the game. The displacement of Bug in a LOL, we have not mentioned, this is a long-standing problem has never been solved. For example, son of the ultimate box does not live, people go out, hammer stone was Zwick hit fly to the sky skills occasionally mismatches, and so on. Do not know there is no one remembers the interface...

标签: LOL