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奥拉星花冠公主奥义觉醒 森林女皇降临

Ora star crown princess real awakening The queen of forest fell

2016-06-15 00:55:53来源: 4399

奥拉星花冠公主6月17日开启奥义觉醒,森林女皇降临!限时超奥义,小奥拉们记得来获得哟! 活动时间:6月17日起 本攻略将于6月17日进行详细补充,请小奥拉们记得ctrl+F5刷新查看哦!

Ora star crown princess on June 17, open meaning awakening, the queen of the forest came! Limited-time super meaning, small ora remember to get yo! Activity time: on June 17 This guide will be added in detail on June 17, please pull the Obama remember CTRL + F5 to refresh to see!