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《神秘海域4》发售日确定 限定版本内容公开

Uncharted 4 release date to determine the limited version of the content of the public

2015-09-01 16:17:43来源: TechWeb

索尼官方宣布PS4平台独占大作《神秘海域4:贼途末路》(以下简称《神秘海域4》)发售日为2016年3月18日,制作组同时公开了本作的预约特典、特别版以及收藏版内容。 《神秘海域4》特别版售价为79.99美元,其中包括游戏本体、特别版的铁盒包装、由黑马工作室和顽皮狗共同出品的48页精装设...

Sony official announced the PS4 platform exclusive masterpiece "uncharted 4: Zeitu impasse" (hereinafter referred to as "uncharted 4") released on March 18, 2016, the production team also discloses the appointment of special code, special edition and collector's edition content. Uncharted 4 special edition priced at $79.99, including the game itself, the special edition Steelbook packaging, jointly produced by dark horse studios and naughty dog 48 page hardcover design...