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《魔兽世界》未解之谜 那些仍不能被玩家们踏足的领地

World of warcraft mystery who still cannot be players set foot on the territory

2018-06-06 00:00:00来源: 人民网

随着《魔兽世界》版本的迭代更新,越来越多的区域已经可以被玩家们探索。从早期神秘的海加尔山和翡翠梦境、《魔兽争霸3》里传奇的冰封王座、作为彩蛋出场的潘达利亚、只存在于三部曲小说的苏拉玛和大漩涡、同样《魔兽争霸3》中大篇幅的破碎群岛和萨格拉斯之墓、德莱尼的老家阿古斯以及8.0可以去到的库尔提拉斯,这些场景和角色一个一个地被我们所接触,仔细一想,当年呼声最高的压低王牌翡翠梦境和阿古斯都出现了,那是不是宣告魔兽世界的结束呢?其实不然,仍有很多领地可以探索,上野君就来给大家捋一捋。 扭曲虚空。并不是被称为外域“无尽之海”的那个,而是虚空大君的老家,燃烧军团数年来征战的地方,那么如何去扭曲虚空呢?...

With world of warcraft version of the iterative update, more and more regions have players to explore. From the earliest days of the mysterious mount hyjal and the emerald dream, "warcraft 3" in the legend of the frozen throne, as the eggs of Dali, pan only exists in the trilogy of the novel sula and maelstrom, same warcraft 3 large chunks of the broken isles and the tomb of sargeras, home of the draenei agus and 8.0 can go to the library, tiras, these scenes and characters one by one we contact, careful thought, when the most depressing ace emerald dream and Argus appeared, it announced the end of the world of warcraft? Actually otherwise, there are still a lot of territory to explore, ueno jun to give everyone a le le. The twisting nether. Isn't known as "the great sea" outland that, but nothing of the great king, the burning legion in place for years, so how do you go to the nether? ...

标签: 玩家 魔兽世界