新关注 > 信息聚合 > 京东杯王者荣耀大赛一骑绝尘 ADC战队实力夺冠成功加冕

京东杯王者荣耀大赛一骑绝尘 ADC战队实力夺冠成功加冕

Jingdong cup contest of king glory a coppi ADC team strength crown title success

2017-11-13 00:00:00来源: 人民网

历时1个多月的中国青年电子竞技大赛京东杯于11月10日,在刚刚竣工的上海市静安区新静安体育中心完美收官。决赛当晚,进入前2强的RoseFinch战队以及ADC战队,为王者宝座展开激烈的争夺。在BO5的对决中,ADC战队以3:1的战绩击败RoseFinch战队夺得本次京东杯王者大赛冠军,RoseFinch战队遗憾位居亚军。 RoseFinch战队和ADC战队 京东3C文旅事业部为本次京东杯王者大赛提供了20万现金大奖,其中冠军战队ADC赢得10万现金大奖,亚军战队RoseFinch赢得6万现金大奖。在昨天的京东杯王者大赛半决赛角逐中,进入4强的SV战队以及KSG战队也分别赢得2万现金大...

Lasted more than a month of the Chinese youth esports jingdong cup contest on November 10, in the newly completed new jing jing 'an district of Shanghai sports center well packaged. Final night, into the top 2 RoseFinch clan and ADC team, struggle for the throne of the king. In the duel of BO5, ADC team beat RoseFinch team won 3-1 record the jingdong cup champion king, RoseFinch team ranked second pity. RoseFinch clan and ADC team jingdong 3 c language tour group offers the jingdong cup Kings competition 200000 cash award, the champion team ADC to win $100000 cash award, the runner-up team RoseFinch win $60000 cash award. In yesterday's jingdong cup Kings competition semi-final race, into four SV team and KSG team also won the 20000 cash...

标签: 王者荣耀 京东