新关注 > 信息聚合 > 国内顶级二次元主播大盘点 最低调第一连纳豆都自愧不如

国内顶级二次元主播大盘点 最低调第一连纳豆都自愧不如

Top domestic secondary yuan the host in the inventory lowest natto were shorter than in a row

2017-10-16 00:00:00来源: 人民网

随着二次元文化的流行,越来越多的观众开始接受这一文化。而在直播行业发展如此迅猛的时代,二次元主播也是层出不穷,一时间让观众们产生了选择困难症。今天,就让我们一起来盘点下那些国内顶级的二次元主播,一起来见识下二次元的魅力。 TOP3:巨二兔 巨二兔是半路杀入二次元领域的主播,在她转型成二次元主播前,她是一名ASMR主播。转型到二次元后,她Cos了众多国内外动漫名作,由于个人身材极佳,也是吸引了不少观众的驻足观看,虽然尬舞是她的扣分项,但由于她COS角色的出色发挥,平时直播的人气依然高居不下。 TOP2:纳豆 如果说巨二兔是半路进入二次元,那么纳豆可谓是二次元界的元老级人物。自打直播...

With the popularity of the secondary yuan culture, more and more audience begin to accept this culture. And in the time of the broadcast industry develop so quickly, two dimensional anchor is also emerge in endlessly, and at that time to make the audience choose difficult disease. Today, let us together to tally up the domestic top two dimensional anchor, to witness the charm of secondary yuan. TOP3: giant two giant two rabbit rabbit is halfway to anchor in the field of secondary yuan, before her transformation into a two dimensional anchor, she is a ASMR anchor. After the transition to secondary yuan, her Cos many animation works both at home and abroad, due to the excellent personal stature, also attracted many viewers watch, although full dance is her points, but due to her excellent play role of Cos, usually live popularity remains high. Ranked by: natto if huge two rabbit is halfway into the secondary yuan, so natto is the doyen of two dimensional world. Since live...

标签: 主播