新关注 > 信息聚合 > 为什么十字军之王3的长子继承这么难


Why is it so difficult for the eldest son of King Crusader 3 to inherit

2020-10-09 11:09:26来源: 游戏时光

  万众瞩目的《十字军之王3》发售也有一段时间了,相信很多玩家都在游戏里为家族操透了心。尽管CK3与CK2相比,几乎在每个方面都做出了细化和改变,但是有一个改变恐怕每一个老玩家都难以接受,那就是继承法。深恶痛绝的均分继承前作的王道继承  CK2的继承法种类丰富,任何能想到的继承法都能在游戏中体现。部落的均分继承法,凯尔特长老选举法,草原上的幼子继承法乃至于奇特的年长者继承法和在中国人看来最为正统的长子继承法均在游戏中出场。并且几乎所有的玩家都会一直保持自己的继承法为长子继承,不仅仅是因为中国人习惯于嫡长子继承。瓦拉几亚24代先帝那叫一个惨啊  玩家选择长子继承的原因很简单,对家族来说这是最稳妥的继承方法。其他的种种继承方法或多或少都会导致问题,首先被排除出去的就是均分继承法。这是所有CK2玩家的共识。它意味着当

The "king of the Crusaders 3" has been on sale for some time. I believe many players have taken care of the family in the game. Although CK3 has been refined and changed in almost every aspect compared with CK2, there is one change that I'm afraid every old player can't accept, that is inheritance method. CK2 has a wide range of inheritance methods, and any inheritance method you can think of can be reflected in the game. The equal inheritance of tribes, the election of Celtic elders, the inheritance of young children on the grassland, even the peculiar inheritance of the elderly and the most orthodox inheritance of the eldest son in the eyes of the Chinese people all appear in the game. And almost all players will always maintain their own inheritance law for the eldest son, not only because the Chinese are used to the first son inheritance. The reason why players choose their eldest son is very simple. This is the safest way for the family to inherit. Other inheritance methods will lead to more or less problems. The first one to be excluded is equal inheritance. This is the consensus of all CK2 players. It means when