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南派三叔科普IP保护 从一窍不通变身维权专家

Nanpai Sanshu took science IP protection from nothing turned adults experts

2015-08-07 14:50:01来源: 新浪

最近游戏圈里版权纠纷的官司有很多,最热的要数《花千骨》事件,不但将作者Fresh果果推到风口浪尖,还将乐多数码、晨之科、天象互动、爱奇艺等一并卷入。这些乱象的导火索其实是因为作者在授权产品时缺乏相关经验,而对《著作权法》又了解不深才导致了后面的连锁反应。 面对这样的问题,下面为大家分...

recently in the circle game copyright dispute case there are many, the hottest to the spend thousands of bone "event, not only will the fresh fruit is pushed to the cusp, also Jiangle multi department of digital, morning, interactive planetarium, iqiyi together involved. The chaos of the fuse is actually because of the licensed products lack relevant experience, to the copyright law and a deep understanding of that leads to the behind the chain reaction. In the face of this problem, the following is a point...