新关注 > 信息聚合 > 非RMB必玩法则《魔侠传》攻略第一弹


Non RMB will play rule "magic man" Raiders first bomb

2015-07-02 23:19:16来源: 新浪

在2D经典PK网游《魔侠传》里,想要打得激情、战个爽快,等级、装备、金钱都是必不可少的。与部分PK网游不同,《魔侠传》对于非RMB玩家来说比较友好,通过自己的努力一样能在游戏中与其他玩家一争短长! 今天带给大家的就是非RMB玩家攻略之新手入门篇,新人们要好好看看,以便在游戏中PK得更...

in 2D classic PK online games "magic man" in, to played with passion and warfare a refreshed, rank, equipment, money is essential. And part of PK online games, the magic man biography "for non RMB players more friendly, through their own efforts can in the game with other players a duanchang strife! Today brings you to the introduction of non - RMB players, the introduction of new players, the new people to take a look at the game, so that more PK...