新关注 > 信息聚合 > 衍生剧《狂赌之渊 双》最新预告公开,3月26日播出

衍生剧《狂赌之渊 双》最新预告公开,3月26日播出

The latest preview of the derivative drama "abyss of gambling" was released and broadcast on March 26

2021-03-03 19:21:27来源: 游戏时光

根据河本ほむら原作、尚村透作画的漫画《狂赌之渊》改编的真人电视剧《狂赌之渊 双》公开了最新预告片。在这段预告片中,可以看到由森川葵饰演的主人公早乙女芽亚里刚刚来到百花王学园时的样子。此外,由滨边美波饰演的蛇喰梦子和由高杉真宙饰演的铃井凉太也会再本作中登场。视频地址 《狂赌之渊 双》作为《狂赌之渊》的外传性质作品,以《狂赌之渊》中的角色早乙女芽亚里为主角,讲述她在学园中早期的奋斗故事。这次的真人电视剧主题曲为崎山苍志演唱的「逆行」,英勉担任总导演,预计在 3 月 26 日开始在亚马逊会员视频独占播出。来源:官方推特

&The latest trailer of the reality TV series "abyss of gambling" based on the original work of kawamoto and the cartoon "abyss of gambling" painted by Shangcun has been released. In this trailer, you can see the protagonist played by Morikawa Kui, Ya Ya Li, just came to baihuawang school. In addition, shimiko hamabian and Naoto Suzuki takasugi will also appear in this work. Video address & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; "the abyss of wild gambling" is an autobiographical work of "the abyss of wild gambling", which takes Yaya Li, the character of Zaoyi in "the abyss of wild gambling" as the protagonist to tell her early struggle story in the school. The theme song of this live action TV series is "retrograde" sung by Cangzhi Sakiyama. Ying Mian, as the chief director, is expected to start exclusive broadcast in Amazon member video on March 26. Source: Official twitter