新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《真人快打》电影制片人暗示将效仿漫威电影宇宙


The filmmakers of "real fight" have hinted that they will follow the marvel movie universe

2021-03-04 10:15:08来源: 游戏时光

据《真人快打》电影的制片人近日透露,一个漫威式电影宇宙的雏形已经在计划之中,即将上映的《真人快打 毁灭》或许会成为这个计划中的第一步。 制片人托德·加纳表示,《真人快打》的世界观是极其庞大的,就像漫威宇宙一般无边无际。所以他们会参照漫威宇宙的方式来打造整个系列。这意味着《真人快打》系列中过去的许多熟悉的面孔很可能会被纳入到以后续集中,包括那些曾经被雪藏的角色。 作为该系列最新的电影,《真人快打 毁灭》邀请了温子仁担任监制,在最新的预告片中甚至可以看见电影保留性地将游戏中的死亡场景完整呈现。预告PV: 《真人快打 毁灭》将于 4 月 16 日在美国上映。

&According to the producer of "real fight", the rudiment of a marvel movie universe is in the plan, and the upcoming "real fight to ruin" may be the first step in the plan. &According to Todd Garner, producer of the movie, the world view of "real fight" is as vast as the Marvel Universe. So they will build the whole series in the way of Marvel Universe. This means that many familiar faces from the past in the series are likely to be included in future sequels, including those who have been snowed. &As the latest movie in the series, real life is going to destroy has invited Wen Ziren to be the producer. In the latest trailer, we can even see that the movie preserves the whole scene of death in the game. Notice PV: & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; "real quick destruction" will be released in the United States on April 16.

标签: 电影