新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《正当防卫》开发商曾致力于一款蒸汽朋克开放世界游戏


"Self defense" developers have been working on a Steampunk open world game

2021-01-24 11:08:40来源: 游戏时光

根据离职员工的说法,《正当防卫》系列开发商 Avalanche Studios,曾经制作过一个设定在平行世界的 20 世纪 50 年代的蒸汽朋克开放世界游戏。在接受 Wassup Conversations 的视频采访时,前 Avalanche 开发者 Mikael Säker 表示他负责了这个被取消的项目。Säker 透露,财务危机导致项目终止和裁员。在取消的时候,这款游戏还需要两年的时间才能完成:我想他们不得不解雇半个工作室的成员,一夜之间,因为资金周转问题,公司只保留了一款游戏。我们一直在做一款很棒的开放世界游戏,以平行世界的 20 世纪 50 年代为背景。我们做了一个巨大的伦敦,看起来很壮观。游戏中没有摩天大楼,但城市倒转向下生长,直到地面。你可以开滑翔机,飞艇,飞机,然后跳到城市中间的深坑中去,因此它

According to former employees, avalanche studios, the developer of self defense series, once produced a 1950s Steampunk open world game set in a parallel world. In a video interview with wassup conversations, Mikael s ü ker, a former avalanche developer, said he was in charge of the canceled project. S ü Ker revealed that the financial crisis led to project termination and layoffs. At the time of cancellation, the game will take another two years to complete: I think they have to fire half the members of the studio. Overnight, because of cash flow problems, the company only kept one game. We've been working on a great open world game, set in the parallel world of the 1950s. We made a huge London and it looked spectacular. There are no skyscrapers in the game, but the city grows upside down to the ground. You can fly gliders, airships, airplanes, and then jump into the pit in the middle of the city, so it's not easy

标签: 游戏