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The first Chinese preview of Godzilla vs. King Kong

2021-01-25 10:04:18来源: 游戏时光

1月25日凌晨,华纳放出《哥斯拉大战金刚》首个中文预告,两只超巨大型怪物之间的战斗一触即发,是唯唯诺诺还是重拳出击?本片将于 3 月 26 日在北美院线及 HBO Max 同步上线。视频地址

In the early morning of January 25, Warner released the first Chinese preview of "Godzilla vs. Vajra". The battle between two super huge monsters is imminent. Is it submissive or heavy fist? The film will be launched simultaneously in North American Theaters and HBO Max on March 26. Video address