新关注 > 信息聚合 > Vicarious Visions并入暴雪,正开发《暗黑2》重制

Vicarious Visions并入暴雪,正开发《暗黑2》重制

Vicarious visions merged into Blizzard and is developing a remake of Diablo 2

2021-01-23 11:51:36来源: 游戏时光

今日,动视暴雪宣布,将《托尼·霍克的职业滑板1+2》开发商 Vicarious Visions 并入暴雪,为其未来项目提供支持。有消息称该工作室正在协助《暗黑破坏神2》的重制。这次合并立即生效。Vicarious Visions 工作室将继续留在纽约州奥尔巴尼市,两百多名员工直接成为暴雪员工,完全从事暴雪游戏的开发支持。意味着该工作室不会再作为主导工作室制作游戏,也不会再参与《托尼·霍克》系列的游戏制作。托尼·霍克的职业滑板1+2暴雪的一名代表称:“在与 Vicarious Visions 合作了一段时间并建立了良好的关系之后,暴雪意识到(Vicarious Visions)有机会提供长期支持。”他拒绝透露该团队与暴雪合作的内容和时长等信息。不过据彭博社消息,Vicarious Visions 正在支持暴雪的

Today, Activision Blizzard announced that vicarious visions, the developer of Tony Hawke's professional skateboard 1 + 2, will be incorporated into Blizzard to provide support for its future projects. It is reported that the studio is assisting in the Remaking of Diablo 2. The merger took effect immediately. Vicarious visions studio will continue to stay in Albany, New York. More than 200 employees directly become Blizzard employees, fully engaged in the development and support of Blizzard games. This means that the studio will no longer be the leading studio in making games, nor will it participate in the production of the Tony Hawk series. "After working with vicarious visions for some time and building a good relationship, Blizzard realized that (vicarious visions) has the opportunity to provide long-term support," said a representative of Tony Hawke's professional skateboarding 1 + 2 blizzard He declined to disclose the content and duration of the team's cooperation with blizzard. However, vicarious visions is supporting Blizzard's plan, according to the news agency

标签: 暴雪