新关注 > 信息聚合 > 解谜游戏《神探迪克茜》上架 少女“福尔摩斯”开..

解谜游戏《神探迪克茜》上架 少女“福尔摩斯”开..

Puzzle game "detective" girl "Holmes" on the Dikeqian open..

2015-05-12 11:28:50来源: 任玩堂

近日游戏开发商 Lukman Gunawan 推出了一款侦探解谜游戏 Detective Dixie:The Revenge of Wishteria《神探迪克茜:维修特里亚的复仇》,该游戏画面风格以及剧情发展是游戏的一大亮点,下面就来看看游戏的内容吧。 游戏的舞台是一座名为维修特里亚...

recently launched a Detective Dixie:The Revenge of detective puzzle game Wishteria "detective Dikeqian: Revenge" under repair, the game screen style and plot development is a major highlight of the game, the game to have a look the contents of it. The stage of the game is for a repair under...

标签: 游戏