新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《魔龙与勇士》即将于5月6日正式公测


"The Dragon Warrior" and the upcoming May 6th official beta

2015-05-05 15:13:39来源: 4399

极致PK,快意格斗!横版动作手游魔龙与勇士终于就要于5月6日公测啦,届时我们将开启疾风之剑·路西法、暗黑之女·安妮、荆棘女王·贝法娜三大角色,同时开启星空挑战、公会等玩法。 《魔龙与勇士》是腾讯第一实时PK格斗手游大作。3D炫酷游戏画面,激爽极限连招,为你带来真正的格斗游戏快感! 独...

PK Ultimate Fighting pleasure! Cross action version of dragon warrior Mobile Games and finally to beta in May 6th, we will open the blast sword of Lucifer, the daughter of Anne, the dark queen of thorns, Befana three roles, open at the same time, the guild play star challenge. "The Dragon Warrior" is the first time with Tencent PK fighting Mobile Games masterpiece. 3D cool game screen, even bring real zest limit, fighting game pleasure for you! Only...