新关注 > 信息聚合 > 是聪明人更会玩游戏 还是游戏让人更聪明?

是聪明人更会玩游戏 还是游戏让人更聪明?

Is a wise man who will play the game or games make people smarter?

2015-04-30 13:14:44来源: 17173

很多人会以为游戏是逃避现实的最好去处,如果生活中遇到了一些压力和不顺遂,可以躲进游戏的世界里,抛开烦恼,放松自己。 不过,真正的情况大部分时候不是这样的。许多人在现实生活中的社会地位很多时候会被原样继承到游戏中,因为游戏是付费的,有钱人在游戏里照样在用钱砸死屌丝,就像他们在三次元世界...

a lot of people think the game is the best place to escape from the reality, if life has encountered some pressure and is not successful, can hide in the game world, despite the trouble, relax. However, the real situation is that most of the time. Many people in social status in real life many times will be the same inheritance to the game, because the game is paid, rich people in the game still in death with money grass root, just as they did in the three dimensional world...

标签: 游戏