新关注 > 信息聚合 > 黑白风拍照解谜游戏《TOEM》9月17日发售


The black and white wind photo puzzle game "toe" was released on September 17

2021-09-01 11:14:22来源: 游戏时光

独立游戏团队 Something We Made 宣布旗下黑白风格萌系冒险解谜游戏《TOEM》即将于 9 月 17 日发售,计划登陆 PS5/Switch/Steam 平台,支持简体中文。 视频地址在《TOEM》中玩家将操作一名业余摄影师,踏上愉快的乡间探索之旅,用镜头发掘神奇的 TOEM 世界、聆听轻松的音乐、与怪诞有趣的人物聊天、通过拍摄优美的照片来解决他们的问题,并一路观赏令人身心放松的景观。

Independent game team something we made announced that its black-and-white style cute adventure puzzle solving game "toe" will be on sale on September 17. It plans to log on to ps5 / switch / steam platform and support simplified Chinese& amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp; Video address in toe, players will operate an amateur photographer to embark on a pleasant journey of rural exploration, explore the magical toe world with the lens, listen to relaxed music, chat with strange and interesting characters, solve their problems by taking beautiful photos, and watch relaxing landscapes all the way& amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp;

标签: 游戏