新关注 > 信息聚合 > 手游界奇闻 日本一公司两年开发11款APP共赚672元

手游界奇闻 日本一公司两年开发11款APP共赚672元

Mobile Games circles a Japanese company for two years to develop 11 APP a total profit of 672 yuan will be

2015-04-03 21:09:55来源: 南方网


every industry in some other, somewhat heterogeneous because do not take the unusual way the name or profit, while some others have and do not take the unusual way also not good. Japan Mobile Games circles there is a relatively well-known. -- cleanings. The company has 11 APP out of 2 years, but earn a total of 12962 yen (about 672 yuan), down conversion hourly as junk. That's it cleanings...

标签: 手游 APP