新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《全境封锁》PC版外挂泛滥 育碧正在积极解决

《全境封锁》PC版外挂泛滥 育碧正在积极解决

"The whole territory of the blockade" PC version Ubisoft is actively solve flooding plug

2016-02-02 21:37:12来源: 新浪

昨天,我们已经报道过了关于《全境封锁》PC版在封测中外挂横行的消息,对于这样严重影响用户游戏体验的行为,育碧当然不会袖手旁观。今天,《全境封锁》社区经理发布公告,称他们正在积极解决此事,不会影响3月8日的正式发售。以下是原文(其实就一句话): “我们已经了解到了(《全境封锁》)PC版...

Yesterday, we have reported the news of "the whole territory of the blockade" PC version of the plug-rampant in IC packaging and testing, for such serious impact on the behavior of users gaming experience, Ubisoft certainly will not stand idly by. Today, "the whole territory of the blockade," Community Manager announcement, said they are actively resolve the matter, it does not affect the official on sale March 8 in. The following is a description (in fact saying): "We have learned (" the whole territory of the blockade ") PC version ...

标签: PC