新关注 > 信息聚合 > 廊坊香河县:评选“最美香河人”引领道德风尚


Langfang Xianghe County: the selection of the "most beautiful Xianghe people" to lead the morality

2015-11-19 05:27:19来源: 长城网

长城网廊坊11月18日讯(记者 刘振山 通讯员 张洎)11月18日下午,廊坊香河县隆重举办“善行河北、大美香河——2015最美香河人”颁奖典礼,对10名广受群众赞许的道德模范予以表彰,营造人人学习好...

Great Wall network Langfang November 18 hearing (reporter correspondent Liu Zhenshan Zhang Ji) November 18 afternoon, Xianghe County, Langfang held a grand "good deeds, Hebei, Xianghe 2015 Xianghe, the most beautiful people" Awards ceremony, on 10 popular praise of the masses of the moral model to be commended, everyone is learning to create good...