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Druid father grand son will into the history of the best: to win 10 grand slam

2016-03-15 14:24:14来源: 新浪

小德父亲观战 新浪体育讯 北京时间3月15日消息,世界第一德约科维奇的父亲赛德扬-德约科维奇日前在贝尔格莱德接受了《新闻周刊》的专访。除此前报道过的关于瑞士球王的一番争议性评论外,现年54岁的赛...

Little's father Dispatch of sina sports Beijing time on March 15, news, the world's DE's father about dejan - novak djokovic has in Belgrade accepted an interview with newsweek. Reported that before a controversial comments on the Swiss superstar,, 54, game...