新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2015高考学子看过来:马云数学1分考北大 李彦宏..

2015高考学子看过来:马云数学1分考北大 李彦宏..

2015 college entrance examination students came to see: Ma math 1 admitted to Peking University Li..

2015-06-07 11:30:44来源: TechWeb

高考今天正式拉开序幕,而像李彦宏、马云等IT大佬之前也都参加过高考,他们成绩又都是怎样的呢? 马化腾:放弃天文梦选择计算机 2010年4月,马化腾在接受《中国企业家》采访时时回忆道:“考大学的时...

college entrance examination today officially kicked off, and as before the chiefs of the Li, Ma, and it also participated in the college entrance examination, their results are what it? Ma Huateng: give up the astronomical dream to choose computer in April 2010, Ma Huateng in accepting the "Chinese entrepreneur" interview always recalls: "when the University of...