新关注 > 信息聚合 > G85陕甘界至陇县(火烧寨)高速公路开工(图)


G85 Shaanxi Gansu border to Longxian (huoshaozhai) highway project (map)

2016-09-28 18:00:29来源: 中国公路网

9月28日,国家高速公路G85陕甘界至陇县(火烧寨)段开工仪式在宝鸡至陇县(火烧寨)高速公路终点北约5公里处举行。 该项目路线全长约3.415公里,按照双向四车道高速公路标准建设,设计速度80公...

In September 28th, the national highway G85 Shaanxi Gansu border to Longxian (huoshaozhai) segment ceremony in Baoji to Longxian (huoshaozhai) at the end of Expressway 5 kilometers north. The project route length of about 3.415 km, in accordance with the two-way four lane highway construction, design speed of 80...