新关注 > 信息聚合 > 以暴制暴!女老师扇学生耳光遭家长殴打


Violence with violence. The female teacher slapping students face beaten by parents

2016-05-31 13:55:54来源: 中国青年网

涉事学校 因学生早读时没有完成背诵,并且打扫卫生缓慢,乾县一小学女老师便扇了其几个耳光。而事发第二天在与老师理论此事时,被打学生的家长一气之下也打了女老师。真的是太令人震惊了,以暴制暴何时了。 ...

Involved schools To do morning reading for students without finish reciting, slow and cleaning, dry county a primary school teacher then slapping its several face. And the second day in theory, with the teacher by students' parents pique played the female teacher. Really is too shocking, when violence with violence. ...