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《战地》新情报 新作背景或为二战时期

"The field" new intelligence new background or for world war ii

2018-02-12 20:11:51来源: 太平洋游戏网

最近有不少报道称EA 2018年的《战地》将设定在第二次世界大战期间,而今天似乎有更多的证据可以证明这个消息。证据便是曾在DICE任职过的美工曝光的一些武器设计概念图。当然,以上要么是猜测,要么是舅舅党的传言,都并非EA官方消息。唯一确定的是,今年的《战地》将在2018年10月发售。

Recently there are many reports that EA "battlefield" will set in 2018 during the second world war, and today seems to have more evidence that the news. Evidence is ever in DICE art exposure to some of the weapons design concept map. Uncle, of course, the above is speculation, or is the rumors that are not official EA. The only certain is that this year's "war" will be released in October 2018.