新关注 > 信息聚合 > 河北阳光公益志愿协会赴井陉县发放生活物资


Hebei sunshine hand in jingxing county public welfare volunteer association life supplies

2016-07-29 16:45:01来源: 长城网

长城网7月29日讯(记者 杨晓 通讯员 刘昀恢)天灾无情人有情!得悉洪灾降临,石家庄爱心车友会、河北省阳光公益志愿协会的爱心人士迅速筹集善款、采购物资,于近日赶赴受灾严重的井陉县辛庄乡枣林口村发放生...

The Great Wall network - July 29 (reporter Yang Xiao correspondent C.h restore) people love of natural disasters! Love drives that floods come, shijiazhuang, hebei province, the public welfare volunteer association of loving people quickly raise funds, purchase supplies, recently to hard-hit jingxing county xin zhuang village ZaoLin village to extend life...