新关注 > 信息聚合 > LOL推出冰晶凤凰狂欢节皮肤 回城跳一段桑巴舞

LOL推出冰晶凤凰狂欢节皮肤 回城跳一段桑巴舞

LOL launch ice crystals phoenix skin back to jump a samba carnival

2017-02-08 18:30:08来源: 17173

Riot今日公布了《英雄联盟》冰晶凤凰的狂欢节主题皮肤——节日庆典女王。该皮肤现已登陆测试服,一起来看看演示吧。 视频中我们可以看到节日庆典女王皮肤的回城动画是一段火热的桑巴舞。原本白色冰晶形态技...

Riot today announced the carnival theme of "hero alliance" ice crystals phoenix skin - festival celebration of the queen. The skin is now landing test, take a look at the demonstration. In the video we can see the skin back to animation festival queen is a passionate samba. Originally white ice crystals form the skill...

标签: LOL