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高甜慎入! 李小鹏过生日被妻子吻到“抽搐”

High sweet into carefully! Xiao-peng li birthday kiss his wife to "tic"

2016-07-29 15:04:11来源: 国际在线

7月27日是李小鹏的生日,29日凌晨,李小鹏的妻子李安琪,在网上晒出为李小鹏庆祝生日的视频,并配文称:“Birthday kisses at Disney's CA”。 在视频中,李安琪戴着米妮帽子,侧对镜头,为老公李小鹏送上甜蜜的一吻。一旁的李小鹏反戴棒球帽,一副受宠若惊的样子。 ...

On July 27, is the Birthday of xiao-peng li, 29 in the morning, angelita li xiao-peng li's wife, xiao-peng li sun out celebrating video on the Internet, and a caption said: "the Birthday kisses at Disney 's CA". In the video, you're the one wearing the hat of Minnie, side of the lens, as the husband xiao-peng li one sweet kiss. Xiao-peng li of the baseball cap, wearing a pretense of being flattered. ...

标签: 小鹏