新关注 > 信息聚合 > 福利满满成人向手游《闪乱神乐》诱人新活动


Full benefits to adult Mobile Games "flash deities" attractive new activities

2015-05-08 04:27:39来源: 天极网

《闪乱神乐NewWave》是一款集结了各种美少女的卡牌社交游戏,游戏以“萌妹+爆乳+爆衣”为卖点,源源不断地送出许多福利,相信各位绅士们一定不陌生吧! 《闪乱神乐NewWave》总会每隔半个月就上一次福利活动,活动期间参与的玩家便会获得各种各样的巨乳美少女卡牌作为奖励。网易小编不得不...

"golden God NewWave" is a gathering of all kinds of beauty girl card game, the game with "Adorable sister + our + explosive vests" as a selling point, Everfount sent many benefits, you must not believe that gentlemen strange! "On a golden God NewWave" welfare activities always every half a month, during the event in the game player will get all kinds of big girl card as a reward. Netease small make up to...

标签: 手游