新关注 > 信息聚合 > 两大阵营巅峰对决 《天天爱仙侠》跨服团战玩法首曝

两大阵营巅峰对决 《天天爱仙侠》跨服团战玩法首曝

The two camps showdown with the love every day Xian Xia "inter service battle group play first exposure

2015-08-30 20:46:37来源: 不凡游戏网

自古仙魔势不两立,在游麟网络科技研发、天拓游戏独代的唯美仙侠强PK手游《天天爱仙侠》中更是如此。近期,《天天爱仙侠》版本更新推出了跨服天庭之战玩法,以天庭为战场的仙魔两大阵营之争正式开火。 一仙一剑,独战天下。 《天天爱仙侠》跨服天庭之战玩法与三界争霸玩法类似,不过跨服天庭战只有两方...

since ancient times Fairy Magic at daggers drawn is uncommon in swim Lin network science and technology R & D, tiantuo games alone generation of aesthetic Xian Xia PK strong hand" love every day Xian Xia "is even more so. Recently, "love every day Xian Xia" version updates released cross clothing to the heaven of war games, to the forehead is the battlefield of the Fairy Magic two camps battle officially opened fire. A fairy sword, the only world war. "Every day" Xian Xia love inter service battle realms and play Heaven StarCraft gameplay is similar, but the inter service war only two heaven...