新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《疾速追杀Hex》将于12.5登陆Steam/NS/X1


Fast chase hex will be launched on steam / NS / X1 on 12.5

2020-10-08 10:17:36来源: 游戏时光

  电影“疾速追杀”系列曾推出一款战术策略题材改编游戏《疾速追杀Hex》,本作于 2019 年 10 月由 Epic 独占发售,今日开发商 Bithell Games 宣布本作正式结束独占期,将于 2020 年 12 月 5 日在 Switch/Xbox one/Steam 平台发售。   《疾速追杀Hex》将还原电影系列的背景和人物设定,玩家将亲历 John Wick 的一段原创复仇故事,仔细筹划他的每一步动作,从而高效且无声地消灭敌人,电影中饰演主要角色的演员伊恩·麦柯肖恩和兰斯·雷迪克也为电影中的角色在游戏中献声。  《疾速追杀Hex》Switch/Xbox one/Steam 版售价为 19.99 美元,本作 PS4 版已于今年 5 月发售,游戏暂不支持中文。来源:gematsu

In the film "fast track" series, a tactical strategy adapted game named "fast chase hex" was launched. This work was exclusively sold by epic in October 2019. Today, the developer Bithell games announced that the exclusive period of the game officially ended and will be sold on the switch / Xbox one / steam platform on December 5, 2020. "Chase after hex" will restore the background and character settings of the film series. Players will experience an original revenge story of John wick, carefully plan his every move, so as to effectively and silently eliminate the enemy. The main actors in the film, Ian mccshawn and lance Reddick, also give voice to the characters in the movie. The price of switch / Xbox one / steam is $19.99. The PS4 version of the book has been released in May this year. The game does not support Chinese. Source: gematsu

标签: Steam