新关注 > 信息聚合 > 再续仙侠经典《全民神魔》8月14日全球公测


To Xian Xia classic "national ghost" on August 14, global beta

2015-08-14 10:32:11来源: 4399

君海游戏年度最新巨作《全民神魔》全球公测今日开启!重磅豪礼连波推送,10万充值卡、100万元宝、高级道具,更有若干iPhone和iPad免费送!这年头,玩个游戏比买彩票还划算,分分钟被钱砸晕!你还在等什么?快跟上我们的脚步吧! 【幻想力作,公测再推全新玩法!】 仙剑之后,再掀幻想!君...

Jun sea game annual masterpiece "mythical national" global beta opens today! Pound Haolilianbo push, 10 million prepaid card, 100 million Yuan Bao, senior props, free to send a number of more iPhone and iPad! This year, play a game than the lottery is also cost-effective, sub minute is money hit dizzy! Are you waiting for? Fast to keep up with the pace of our bar! [fantasy masterpiece beta pushed new gameplay. Legend, lift the fantasy! Jun...