新关注 > 信息聚合 > NBA官方手游《NBA梦之队2》曝光 掌上篮球赛即将..

NBA官方手游《NBA梦之队2》曝光 掌上篮球赛即将..

NBA official game of the NBA dream team 2 exposure palm on the basketball game is..

2015-07-29 12:10:16来源: 任玩堂

由DeNA 中国研发、NBA 官方授权的全新 NBA 题材手游《NBA 梦之队 2》自首度曝光后,受到不少篮迷的关注。今日,DeNA 官方公布多张游戏高清截图,玩家可以通过这些最直观的图片,来领略《NBA 梦之队 2》的魅力。 体验过《NBA 梦之队》的玩家,想必都对其真人形象展示留有...

by DENA China R & D, NBA official authorization of new NBA theme tour the NBA dream team 2 "after the first exposure by many basketball fans attention. Today, DeNA officially announced a number of games HD screenshots, players can through the most intuitive pictures, to enjoy the "NBA dream team 2" charm. Experienced the "NBA dream team" players, must have been to their real image show stay...

标签: 手游