新关注 > 信息聚合 > 索尼首款4.6英寸1080p手机现身跑分网站


SONY's first 4.6 inches 1080p mobile phone appeared to run the website

2015-06-28 16:58:15来源: TechWeb

【手机中国 新闻】日前一款型号为E5663的索尼新机在跑分网站GFXBench和Geekbench现身。很有意思的是,这款型号为E5663的新机采用4.6英寸屏幕,分辨率为1080×1920,这意味...

[mobile phone China News] a few days ago a model for the E5663 of SONY's new machine running points GFXBench and Geekbench appeared. Very interesting is that this model for the new machine with 4.6 inches E5663 screen, resolution of 1080 x 1920, which means...

标签: 索尼