新关注 > 信息聚合 > 东京奥运总费用恐超1980亿人民币 拟削减成本

东京奥运总费用恐超1980亿人民币 拟削减成本

The Tokyo Olympic total costs may exceed 198 billion yuan to cut costs

2016-09-29 16:55:19来源: 新浪

原标题:东京奥运总费用恐超人民币1980亿元 拟削减成本 中新网9月29日电 据日媒报道,负责检查2020年日本东京奥运会、残奥会筹备体制和费用的东京都“都政改革本部”(负责人为东京都知事小池百...

The original title: Tokyo Olympic total costs may exceed 198 billion yuan To cut costs in addition on September 29 (Reuters) According to Japanese media reports, responsible for checking 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games and paralympic games in the process of system and the cost of Tokyo "have reformed the ministry" (for the governor, head of the small pool best...