新关注 > 信息聚合 > 25日国内大宗商品近全线收涨


25 domestic commodity nearly all closed up

2016-10-26 05:53:59来源: 参考消息

新华社上海10月25日电(记者陈爱平)25日,国内大宗商品近全线收涨,部分品种大涨,跟踪大宗商品综合表现的文华商品指数收涨。 截至收盘,焦炭期货价格领涨,主力合约收于每吨1680元,较前一交易日结算价上涨109.5元,涨幅6.97%;鸡蛋期货领跌,主力合约收于每500公斤3528元,较...

Shanghai on October 25 (xinhua) 25 (reporter ai-ping Chen), nearly all closed up domestic commodities, some varieties, tracking commodity integrated performance of the mandarin commodity index closed up. As of the close, coke futures price led, the main contract closed at 1680 yuan per ton, than the previous session settled up $109.5, or 6.97%. Egg futures led by the main contract closed at 500 yuan per 500 kilograms, a...