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外媒批苹果没对抗中国施压 库克: 爱谁谁

Foreign media group of apple didn't fight pressure China cook: who CARES

2017-12-07 16:54:05来源: 凤凰科技

苹果首席执行官蒂姆库克最近发表了一次公开演讲,回击了外界对于苹果未能履行在中国为言论自由而战的道德义务的说法。库克表示,苹果欢迎微信生态系统,因为它实际上降低了 Android 用户转向 iPhone iOS 系统的成本。最后,他说他对 iPhone 在中国的销量“感到非常高兴”。

Apple chief executive Tim cook recently issued a public speech, hit back at the outside world for apple's failure to perform in China to fight for the freedom of speech's notion of moral obligations. Cook said apple welcome WeChat ecosystem, because it actually reduces the Android users to iPhone iOS system costs. Finally, he said he was the iPhone sales in China "very happy".

标签: 苹果