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饶宗颐四弟追忆长兄:醉心学问 孜孜求索(图)

Jao tsung-i four brother reminiscing about his eldest brother: passion of learning diligently search (figure)

2018-02-12 21:44:47来源: 凤凰财经


News reporters, Chen Qiren. Jao tsung-i four brother RaoZongLiang 9 news agency reporter interview, said the eldest brother jao tsung-i life passion, diligently seeking knowledge, a generation of people to achievement. Since he could remember, he recalls, eldest brother and family together from much less, the pursuit of knowledge is to let him often in abroad. "When other houses are traditional style in the home, only the day the noise floor is occidentalism, inside collect books hundreds of volumes," said RaoZongLiang, inside the books...