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《盗墓笔记》曝新特辑 鹿晗井柏然打戏亲上阵

The grave notes revealed new special exo jingboran play close to the battle

2016-07-06 10:48:42来源: 中国青年网

《盗墓笔记》鹿晗饰演吴邪【点击查看高清组图】 搜狐娱乐讯 由著名导演李仁港执导,南派三叔亲任编剧的《盗墓笔记》,今日曝光“十年情谊”特辑。片场中,“瓶邪”担当的两位男主,亲身上阵不惧吊威亚,频频...

The grave notes Lu Han as wu evil sohu entertainment - click to view high-definition picture 】 【 Directed by famous director Li Ren port, south sent his uncle was the writers "grave notes", exposure "10 years of friendship" special today. Set, bottle "evil" as two men, unafraid to personally to battle hung wei, again and again...