新关注 > 信息聚合 > “环Mea生态圈”:VTuber神楽めあ在中国


"Ring Mea ecological circle" : VTuber god joy め あ in China

2019-02-01 17:33:28来源: 触乐

VTuber在讲中文的观众中的格局,是和别处不同的。以中国大陆地区的粉丝为例,他们对银发VTuber更有偏好(据VTuber DWU的描述),也更喜欢那些偶尔说中文的VTuber;他们对搬运、转播、汉化有所依赖,这使得汉化组在一定程度上代替了VTuber本人与粉丝进行互动;此外,他们在很大程度上也并不将挖掘VTuber的中人私人账号视为禁忌;等等。这都是一个巨大粉丝人群的本地化特征。当然,这些粉丝特征并不代表中国大陆地区的全部观众,只是显示一个大致的市场偏好而已。有趣的一点是,尽管他们喜欢VTuber讲中文,可如果VTuber全程讲中文,反而过犹不及;尽管他们依赖汉化组,可一些没有官方身份或没...

VTuber pattern in the chinese-speaking audience is different and elsewhere. In mainland China fans, for example, they have more preference on a shiny silver VTuber (according to VTuber DWU description), also prefer the VTuber occasionally speak Chinese; They depend on the handling, broadcast, localization, the localization group instead of to a certain extent VTuber I interact with fans; In addition, they will dig in the very great degree is not VTuber in private accounts taboo; And so on. This is a huge fans crowd localization characteristic. Characteristics of these fans, of course, not all the audience on behalf of the Chinese mainland, just show a general market preferences. Interesting point is that although they love VTuber speak Chinese, but if VTuber all speak Chinese, but too much of a good thing; Although they rely on localization group, but some has no official status or not...