新关注 > 信息聚合 > lol11.24更新汇总 冰雪节限定皮肤一览 S6天赋装..

lol11.24更新汇总 冰雪节限定皮肤一览 S6天赋装..

Update the summary in ice and snow festival limit skin S6 lol11.24 gift pack..

2015-11-24 15:43:00来源: TechWeb

LOL11月24日体验服更新来袭,在本次大更新中,冰雪节纳尔、冰雪节辛德拉、冰雪节巴德三款全新冰雪节限定皮肤正式上线!还有相应的冰雪节头像和冰雪节主题小兵,相信大家都充满了期待!不过不要着急,本次更新中S6新版本英雄、装备和天赋改动也同样引人注目,这就一起来看看本次更新内容详情吧! 英...

Experience serving update incoming LOL11 month 24, in the big update, the ice and snow, and ice and snow symplectic three all-new ice and snow, ice and snow bud Della limit skin is launched! And the corresponding head is ice and snow and ice and snow festival theme batman, believe that everyone is full of looking forward to! But don't try so hard, the hero of the update S6 new version changes, equipment and talent equally striking, and it's take a look at the updated details! The British...

标签: LOL