新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《大掌门2》大武侠主题曲抢先试听 信演唱沧海一声笑摇滚版

《大掌门2》大武侠主题曲抢先试听 信演唱沧海一声笑摇滚版

"Big head 2" big martial arts theme song first audition letter to sing the sea a laugh rock version

2018-02-02 00:00:00来源: 人民网

《大掌门2》是由天马时空独家发行的巅峰武侠RPG手游正统续作,凭借古色古香的唯美画风和经典而不失创新的游戏玩法收获了玩家们的一致好评。同时,《大掌门2》更致力于弘扬大武侠文化概念,并通过同名静态大电影、游戏主题曲等多个企划进行不同角度的发展与推进。日前官方宣布与歌手信达成合作,王者归来的他将放歌江湖,重燃玩家们心中的大武侠之梦。今日,《大掌门2》手游主题曲《沧海一声笑》抢先版正式发布,信将为玩家们诠释全新的大武侠豪歌。 歌曲试听地址 《沧海一声笑》是由黄沾作词作曲的经典武侠金曲,旋律婉转动听,声色悠扬,颇具中国古曲风韵,配合上豪情满怀、气盖云天的歌词,一种身在高处、心却坦然的强大气场...

"Big head 2" is issued by tianma space-time exclusive RPG mobile game orthodox sequel to the peak of the martial arts, with the antique aesthetic style and classic and innovative gameplay won praise of players. At the same time, the great leader 2, more committed to carry forward the martial arts culture concept, and through the same static big movies, games, theme, etc and promote the development of multiple projects in different angles. Official recently announced the alliance for a letter with the singer, the return of the king he will sing aloud of the river's lake, renewed players big Wu Xiazhi dream in the heart. Today, the "big head 2" tour theme song hand launch the first edition of the the sea a laugh, letter will players a new interpretation of the big Wu Xiahao song. Song listen to address "the sea a laugh" is a classic martial arts gives wrote the composition of the melody, melody warble, melodious melody, is China's living museum charm, with the lofty sentiments, gas cap of lyrics, reaching a body on high, the heart is not calm the powerful current of...